
Let us immerse ourselves together in the world of pleasure, where every touch is a tender promise and every encounter is an unforgettable experience. My repertoire includes the intensity of body fertilization and the sensual experience of facial fertilization. At the age of 23, with a bust size of 75B, a clothing size of 34 and a height of 173 cm, I combine youthfulness with seductive elegance. As escort Düsseldorf call girl Louica, the erotic whore, I love to spoil my guests with sensual experiences, be it in Düsseldorf or Cologne.

You can find more escorts and call-girls on the website: https://www.nrwescortmodelle.com/en/

I am: Louica

My data:
Age: 23
Bust: 75 B
Clothing: 34
Height: 173
Hairy: Unhaired
Nationality: Belgium
Languages: German English

Doctoral games: 30 €
Erotic massage: 20 €
Fetish: 30 €
Facial inseration: 20 €
Corset: 30 €
Oil massage: 15 €
Couple (man and woman): 40 €
Role Playing Games Special: 30 €
Striptease: 15 €
Strap dildo: 10 €
French kisses if you are sympathetic: 10 €

Service included:info

French with; straps on request; Body insemination; Change of position; Cuddling / cuddling; Striptease; Foot eroticism; Light finger games; Traffic possible several times; Kiss; Serves disabled people; Verbal eroticism; Egg licking; Facesitting;

Escort Düsseldorf Call-Girl offers a comprehensive escort service. The beautiful Louica erotic whore spoils you with erotic body insemination and more. For discreet visits as well as in COLOGNE and throughout North Rhine-Westphalia such as Dortmund and Duisburg, you can order the model.